How can we save our source so we can find it easier when we need too?
Look for the Share options in the database and pick the method that will work best for you. Some students like to Download and save everything in a folder. Others like to create a document with citations and the permalinks.
We find that a good and reliable way to save sources is to email them to yourself. The email feature looks different depending on the database - you will see Email in EBSCO databases; Share in Credo Reference and Films on Demand; and Send (little paper airplane icon) in databases by Gale. Often the email forms provide an option to receive the citation as well. You can choose the citation "style" you need (MLA, APA, Chicago).
When you use a database's email feature it will send you a link to the article as well as the citation. If you are off-campus when you click on the link you may be asked to login with your Western ID.
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