How does the Cavalier Cupboard work?
Western's food pantry (called the Cavalier Cupboard) is open to all Western students with a valid student ID. It is located inside the Learning Commons.
How it works:
- First-time users need to register using a client in-take form at The SPACE in the Student Success Center, Room 222. After the in-take form is completed, a staff member will walk with you to the Cavalier Cupboard to gain entry.
- Student IDs will be activated by the Dean of Students within a couple of days. If it has yet to be activated and you need to access the pantry, please come to The SPACE.
- Students who have registered and have access via their student ID can swipe into the Cavalier Cupboard during business hours.
For more information about the Cavalier Cupboard (and to read their cookbook!) head to
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