How can I stay organized while taking online classes?
Smart question! Setting up some kind of organization system while taking classes both online and on-campus is one the best things you can do to offset the normal stresses and pressures you might encounter as a student.
There is no one right way or wrong to stay organized, you will be setting up a system that works for you in your life, at this point in time.
Some ideas are:
- Use a planner (paper or digital) with separate calendars - one with a page that displays a week at a time to jot down your to-do list for that week, and a monthly calendar to keep track of due dates. It's good to have a section for notes that might go into more detail about those to-do lists and due dates.
- Develop a personal note-taking system to keep track of what's covered in lectures, reading material, research, and other class material. Scientific studies show that taking-notes by hand helps you remember and better understand material covered in your classes.
- Try multiple methods to find out what works for you. Many students like the Cornell Notes method of note-taking, other students like making mind-maps, and still others like lists. Watch these short videos to get a sense of how Cornell Notes and Mind-Maps work. You Tube has a lot of videos about note-taking and staying organized in your classes. Grab some popcorn and enjoy a few of them!
If you've tried to get organized and feel like you could use some help, reach out to the Learning Commons. We have lots of ideas and we'll get you connected with the help you need.
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