How can I learn about using Blackboard?


A first step is to check out the Western's web page, Student Readiness Training for Online, Hybrid, and Blended Courses. You'll see a link to a video that explains how to use Blackboard. If you're a new student, the Student Readiness Training is designed to help you learn what you will need to know about Blackboard.

We also have a Blackboard Guide for Students that collects some information about various features and tools. It also answers the questions we get most frequently.

If you need additional help or support with Blackboard, be sure to ask your instructor or embedded support instructor to show you the parts of Blackboard that you specifically struggle with or don't understand. Our Writing Center Zoom Room is another great place to get in-the-moment help with Blackboard, or you can contact the Learning Commons to connect with a peer tutor.

  • Last Updated Aug 18, 2022
  • Views 123
  • Answered By Linda VanSistine-Yost

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